20 Fun and Easy Activities for Christmas 2023

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As Christmas 2023 approaches, the anticipation of joy and excitement fills the air. This festive season is a great chance to create memories, whether you’re celebrating by yourself or with family. 

Also, Christmas is a meaningful time to reflect on your faith and embrace the spiritual aspects of the season.

In this article, we’ve got you covered with a list of 20 fun and simple activities that will make this Christmas day extra special. 

These activities suit people celebrating alone and families looking for ways to keep their children entertained during the holidays. There’s something here for everyone!

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What to Do on Christmas Day


1. Bake Delicious Christmas Cookies

Invite your family or friends over to join you for a cozy evening of baking Christmas cookies together. If you’re spending this holiday alone, baking is also a great solo activity. 

The best part? You get to eat all the cookies by yourself after. You can bake Christmas cookies in various shapes and sizes and don’t forget to add plenty of colorful sprinkles, decorations, and icing.

 Making Christmas cookies is not just a fun way to be creative, but you’ll also end up with lots of yummy treats and a home that smells amazing!


2. Have a Holiday Movie Marathon

If you’re unsure what to do for Christmas, you can always make your living room or bedroom super cozy by adding blankets, pillows, and Christmas lights. 

Then grab some snacks and drinks and have a Christmas movie marathon. You can watch the classics like “It’s a Wonderful Life,” “Home Alone,” and “Elf.” 

Enjoy these movies on Christmas Day and feel the warmth of the holiday season this winter break. 


3. Organize a Virtual Gift Exchange for Christmas 2023

If you’re separated from your loved ones by distance due to college or work obligations on this Christmas day, a virtual gift exchange is the perfect way to connect and share the joy of giving. 

Set up a video call, unwrap presents together, and watch the excitement on each other’s faces. 

This digital Christmas celebration ensures that, despite the miles, the spirit of togetherness remains strong.


4. Plan a Christmas Scavenger Hunt

Make Christmas Day exciting with a fun scavenger hunt. Create clues that guide everyone around the house or yard, ending with a special surprise or treat. 

This activity is a great way to get everyone involved and have fun during the holiday celebrations. Check out these scavenger hunt ideas!


5. Craft your Own Ornaments With a DIY Touch

Get creative and make your own ornaments! You can use paper or craft materials to make beautiful decorations for your Christmas tree. 

It’s a fun way to spend your holiday and keep yourself occupied if you don’t know what to do for Christmas. Invite your family or friends over and enjoy this festive activity together!


6. Prepare a Special Christmas Meal

Turn this day into the best Christmas ever by preparing a delicious meal for yourself and your loved ones. You can stick to traditional Christmas recipes or try something new—it’s entirely up to you! 

The process of cooking together enhances the joy of sharing a festive feast, making the meal even more enjoyable. Remember to set a pretty table for a memorable Christmas dinner!


7. Organize a Virtual Caroling Session

Have a virtual sing-along with your friends and family this Christmas Day! Everyone can take turns singing their favorite Christmas songs over video calls. 

It’s a fun and creative way to spend this holiday together and share the happy feelings of the season, even if you’re not in the same place. 

So, get ready to sing your heart out and make good memories together!


8. Enjoy Some Outdoor Winter Activities

If you’re fortunate enough to have a snowy winter, get dressed warmly and have some winter fun! Building snowmen, having snowball fights, and sledding are not only fun but also a great way to spend time together. 

Also, this is a great Christmas activity for kids. They get to play, laugh, and make memories with friends or family while enjoying the snowy magic of winter.


9. Host a Night of Board Games and Puzzles

Invite your family or friends for a friendly competition through board games and puzzles. 

Choose a mix of festive-themed games and classic favorites to ensure everyone will enjoy the activities. This laid-back activity creates an enjoyable atmosphere for quality family time.


10. Reflect and Give Back This Holiday 2023

During the festive season, take a moment to think about what Christmas truly means to you and what your plan is for the next year. Do you want to get a degree? Or a work on your career? Or maybe you want to go traveling?

The holiday season is the perfect time to reflect on the year and set goals for 2024. You can find ways to help your community, like volunteering, donating, or joining virtual charity events. 

Acts of kindness and generosity bring the holiday spirit to life, reminding us all of the importance of being caring and kind to everyone around us. So, if you don’t know what to do on this Christmas day, you can always give back to the community. 


11. Create a Family Christmas Playlist

Whether you’re spending this Christmas with your family or away from them, you can always make a list of your family’s favorite Christmas songs.  

Ask all of your family members and maybe friends as well to share their favorite tunes. Then, play the playlist all day to fill your home with the festive atmosphere. 


12. Host a Virtual Game Night

If you’re spending Christmas 2023 alone, another great activity you can do is organize an online Christmas-themed game night with your family and friends.

You can play fun games, trivia, or even virtual escape rooms if this is your thing. This fun and easy Christmas activity makes your celebrations more enjoyable and brings everyone together, even if you’re not in the same location.


13. Create a Christmas Craft Workshop

Set up a Christmas craft station with different materials and invite your loved ones over for a creative workshop. 

From making handmade cards to crafting festive decorations, this fun Christmas activity will keep everyone busy, and later, you will have a house filled with beautiful decorations. 


14. Make a Gingerbread House Village

If you still can’t decide what to do this Christmas, you can take the gingerbread house decorating to the next level by making a miniature gingerbread house village.

Your family members or friends can design and decorate their own house, and together, you can create a charming village centerpiece. It’s a lovely Christmas activity that adds sweetness to your celebrations. 

If you’re spending this Christmas alone, don’t worry; you can still make a gingerbread house village if you start designing it early enough!


15. Read a Christmas Book Aloud

Gather everyone in the living room for a cozy reading session by picking a favorite Christmas story to read aloud. You can always choose a classic like “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens, heartwarming children’s books, or anything else you might have in mind. 


16. Host a Cookie Swap

If you love baking, then this Christmas activity is for you! Organize a cookie swap with your family, friends, or neighbors. Each person bakes their favorite cookies and exchanges them with others. 

This activity not only brings variety to your Christmas treats but also teaches you new recipes along the way!


17. Capturing Memories with a Photo Booth

Set up a festive photo booth with props and backdrops. Encourage your guests to dress up in Christmas outfits and take turns taking photos together. 

Capturing these moments in photos turns them into beautiful memories. You can easily share these special memories with your loved ones, no matter where they are in the world. 


18. Plan a Virtual Toast

Even if you can’t be together in person on this Christmas day, have a virtual toast with your family or friends.

Decide on the time to connect over a video call and share a few laughs and wishes with them. It’s a simple yet meaningful way to celebrate Christmas 2023 if you’ve run out of ideas. 


19. Host a Christmas Karaoke Night

Bring out your family’s singing talents by hosting a Christmas karaoke night. Put together a list of festive songs, from holiday classics to modern hits.  Whether singing alone or in a group, this easy Christmas activity adds a lively and entertaining element to your celebrations.


20. Stargazing and Christmas Lights Tour

End your Christmas Day with a quiet and magical activity. Wear warm clothes and look at the stars in your backyard, or take a slow drive to see the Christmas lights in your neighborhood. 

It’s a peaceful way to think about the day and enjoy the beauty of the season under the night sky.



With these 20 enjoyable activities, Christmas 2023 is sure to be filled with memories and joy. Whether you’re at home with family, connecting virtually with loved ones, or enjoying a quiet moment, these activities offer something for everyone. 

Embrace the holiday magic, create lasting memories, and appreciate the moments spent with those you care about!

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